LIGHTING PROFESSIONALS | Conversation with the director of Galeri Art Tirana GAT, Mr. Abaz Hado, about lighting in spaces dedicated to visual art!

Conversation with the director of Galeri Art Tirana GAT, Mr. Abaz Hado, about lighting in spaces dedicated to visual art!

We have a guest on this week’s blog, Mr. Abaz Hado. Abazi’s opinion is important for the very artistic background that this character has as a painter, graphic designer, researcher and art manager over the years, because it can give us a very interesting point of view about the importance of lighting in the exhibition of a work of art.

But who is Abaz Hado?

Abaz Hado was born in Shijak in 1957. He studied at the High Institute of Arts in Tirana for Monumental Painting and specialized as an art critic. His works are located in GKA, Tirana and in many private collections in Italy, Japan, Austria, USA, Norway, Germany, Greece, England. Over the years, there have been very important positions related to art, for example. Director of the National Art Gallery and currently Director of the newest Gallery in Tirana “Tirana Art Gallery” – “GAT”. Among other things, Abaz Hado is the chairman of the Çameria association.

  • Abaz, what do you think, how important is proper lighting in displaying works of art?

    Light itself is the source of every work of art, because from the shadows that natural or artificial light creates with objects or people, a work of art is born.
    Visual art is easily perceptible to anyone who will look at a work of art. Just from the illustrative photos of this blog, you can see how beautifully the right lighting with spots, and the highlighting of each work with the way each light source is imposed, makes the environment of the exhibition magical and very relaxing for the eye.

  • GAT, it will really bring innovation in the exhibition of works of art, because the visuals speak for themselves, but as a detailer, can you share with us why you chose Eglo and the Austrian quality?

    For a gallery in which I am the owner, the responsibility is maximum, so every element must be perfect and in its place, having said that, I followed each element step by step.
    An art gallery, like any art institution, should be a temple of meditation and reflection where each artist invites us to see his world through the work he has shown us. When you are in such a position, and being an artist yourself, empathy is optimal. All this orchestra of elements will have to be evidenced thanks to the best. And what would be the point of exhibiting in a gallery if it was not paired with perfect lighting?!
    In the Albanian market, from the research I have conducted, Eglo offers the best quality of lamps, with the widest range of designs, so I am happy that this important mission in GAT is carried out by the Austrian lighting giant EGLO.

  • Today is the inauguration of GAT, who is invited to this event?

    Every person who loves art is invited, he will have the opportunity to see what is illustrated by the photos of this blog, receiving endless emotions. Welcome!

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