
Më Tepër

Teoren Shpk, today is undoubtedly one of the largest companies for providing products and

Më Tepër

You've probably noticed that certain products affect your skin and hair, but did you

Më Tepër

In space or on earth, water is the beginning of everything! And if we

Më Tepër

Hard water problems (with mineral content above the norm) can be a real problem,

Më Tepër

Three modes for perfect lighting. You know that feeling when you lie on the

Më Tepër

Invisible, powerful, universal. Electricity. However, sometimes, this form of energy can become dangerous. Therefore protection against electrical

Më Tepër

Lighting has become the main competitive priority for hospitality and tourism establishments, because it

Më Tepër

Lighting is the most important factor in a professional environment because it is directly