The early years were marked by continuous efforts and exploration of different products in a challenging market landscape.
1994 was a crucial year for what would later be known as Teoren. A family member introduced Mr. Celo to the world of electrical products.
This introduction paved the way for Teoren’s venture into the trade of electrical materials, initially in the small town of Laçi.
In 1997, Teoren made an important decision, moving to the bustling city of Durrës.
A bigger market and more opportunities for growth, but at the same time more challenges!
The company, however, continued to evolve, making its most significant investment in 2003 – the purchase of a land where Teoren would be further developed.
After 11 years of meticulous preparation and navigating the market as a small family business, Teoren was ready to emerge as a major player in the industry.
It was during this period that the idea for the company’s name was born. Teoren is the combination of the name of the founder and his two sons – Aristotel, Orest and Endri. This name would soon become a “brand” for electrical equipment in Albania and beyond!
Now officially called “Teoren”, the company opened its doors in Durrës, initially with a modest store and only 3 employees. The dream of several decades was slowly taking shape…
Now officially called “Teoren”, the company opened its doors in Durrës, initially with a modest store and only 3 employees. The dream of several decades was slowly taking shape…
In 2005, Teoren also entered the Chinese market, creating vital links that strengthened its distribution capabilities.
The years 2005-2008 were dedicated to consolidating Teoren’s market position and building a dedicated team.
By 2008, Teoren had reached new heights, moving into a three-story showroom and expanding its offerings to include European products, particularly from Italy and Germany. This marked an important shift in the company’s focus towards quality European products.
On April 2, 2010, comes the introduction of an innovative idea such as the Teoren distribution. In this way, the company rapidly expanded its presence to over 1500 resale points in all cities of Albania.
In 2012, Teoren celebrated another achievement. The company won the exclusive right to represent the Austrian lighting giant, Eglo, in Albania. This certainly made the company strengthen its position in the market even more!
Teoren continued to flourish in the industry and the next step was its presence in the capital! On June 13, 2016, Teoren comes with a prestigious showroom at the end of Kavaja street, in Tirana.
The success of the company, however, has not been determined only by numbers! Teoren is driven by a sense of responsibility and commitment to provide high-level service to its customers and this is what has made us successful for decades now!
In February 2018, despite hidden challenges and complexities, Teoren entered the water filter market with Ecosoft.
For 5 years, we have been bringing clean water to over 12,000 Albanian families, while we are expanding towards Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro.
In March 2022, the Eglo showroom moved to “Unaza e Re”, in a neighbourhood called “Astir” in Tirana, with an impressive area of 690 m2.
This showroom offers more than just electrical products. It also includes other sectors, such as hydrosanitary, water filtration or air conditioning.
However, Teoren’s innovations do not end here. In June 2022, the company presented Eglo Outlet, the first electrical lightning exhibition in Albania that offers quality products at economical prices with a 5-year warranty. Located on the Tirana-Durrës highway, km 12, this 750 m2 showroom aims to offer the best, driven by the trust and responsibility it shares with each customer.
Të dizenjojmë të ardhmen tonë jo duke zgjedhur zgjidhjet më fitimprurëse për kompaninë tonë por duke zgjedhur zgjidhjet më të vlefshme për kompaninë, partnerët dhe komunitetin.
Zhvillimi dhe rritja nuk ndodh nëse operon i izoluar por nëpërmjet një sinergjie rritjeje me stakeholders të tjerë të biznesit si partnerë, komunitet dhe grupe interesi.
Për këtë arsye një nga vlerat tona është që pranojmë dhe kërkojmë hapësirat tona për përmirësim si tek vetja dhe tek stakeholders dhe projektojmë sesi të kryhet përmirësimi.
Duke u bazuar ketu marrin nismë edhe shumë projekte mbi arsimin që Teoren ka marrë përsipër të projektojë dhe të ndjekë.
Kënaqësia konumatore dhe besnikëria e klientëve varet drejtpërsëdrejti nga kënaqësia dhe besnikëria e stafit.
Një nga synimet tona më të rëndësishme është ti ofrojmë punonjësve tanë jo vetëm një paketë të duhur financiare, rritjen profesionale, rritjen në karrierë dhe një ambjent pozitiv ku fryma e grupit mbizotëron, por edhe një balancë të shkëlqyer midis punës dhe jetës private.
Në kuadër të kësaj vlere Teoren ka ndërmarrë dhe do të ndërmarrë një sër nismash për lehtësimin dhe kordinimin e përgjegjësive profesionale me ato të jetës personale.
Një nga këto nisma ka qënë edhe ofrimi i një ambjenti për qëndrimin e foshnjave gjatë orarit të punës në një ambjent të posatshëm për to, në godinën e nënave të reja që janë punonjëse të Teoren
TEOREN shpk. leader in lighting, water filters, hydrosanitary, hydraulic, electrical, and heating-cooling systems.